Seite 162 - Historical Sketches of the Foreign Missions of the Seventh-day Adventists (1886)

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158 Historical Sketches of the Foreign Missions of the Seventh-day Adventists
Sunday is generally made a day of feasting and pleasure-seeking;
but the Lord would have his people give the world a higher, holier
example. Upon the Sabbath there should be a solemn dedication of
the family to God. The commandment includes all within our gates;
all the inmates of the house are to lay aside their worldly business, and
employ the sacred hours in devotion. Let all unite to honor God by
cheerful service upon his holy day.
In our labor for the Christiania church we faithfully presented
before them the far-reaching requirements of God’s law, and their
great need of thorough repentance and returning unto the Lord. During
our meetings, the dear Saviour came very near to us again and again.
A good work was begun. We called them forward for prayers several
times, and though this was a new experience to them, there was a quick
and hearty response. Earnest, heartfelt confessions were made. Several
had become discouraged and backslidden because of the accusing spirit
manifested, and the lack of love for God and for one another. These
humbly confessed their own wrong in allowing their faith in God and
the truth to become weakened. Some had yielded the Sabbath through
fear that they could not support their families. Others acknowledged
that they had indulged a critical, fault-finding spirit. Many said that
they had never realized as now the importance of the truth and the
influence that it must have upon their life and character. Not a few
testified with gratitude that they had received God’s blessing as never
We were thankful for every token that this dear people were ob-
taining a sense of their true condition. But some who should have
been personally interested, were looking on as though they had no
interest at stake. The testimonies which the Lord gave them did not
seem to be received. They did not break the bands which held them
under condemnation of the Spirit of God. The Saviour was knocking
at the door of their hearts, but they were unwilling then and there to
remove the rubbish which barred his entrance. The Lord’s time was
not their time. Had they cleared the way, the Lord would have given
them an experience of the highest value. But we know that souls have
accepted the truth who have never felt the transforming power of the
grace of Christ. We hope that this will not be the last invitation of the
Spirit of God to them. We did all that we could for these dear souls.
We did not cease to warn and entreat them, and we spent many hours