Seite 176 - Historical Sketches of the Foreign Missions of the Seventh-day Adventists (1886)

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172 Historical Sketches of the Foreign Missions of the Seventh-day Adventists
Rigi mountains. From the top of the Rossberg to a point nearly half
way up the Rigi the surface of the earth was converted into a rocky
chaos. Time has covered these fragments of rock with moss and other
vegetation, but the track of the slide can still be distinctly traced.
The glaciers of Switzerland are the reservoirs which feed some of
the largest rivers of Western Europe. The Rhine and the Rhone both
have their source in Switzerland, not many miles apart. Flowing in
different directions, the Rhine empties its waters into the North Sea,
the Rhone into the Mediterranean.
Our course over the Alps lay through the great St. Gotthard pass.
The road through this pass is a marvel of engineering skill. It was ten
years in building, and has been completed only four years.