Seite 181 - Historical Sketches of the Foreign Missions of the Seventh-day Adventists (1886)

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Labors In The Piedmont Valleys
Adam and Eve because of disobedience. It is for us to choose whether
we will go over the same ground as they in transgression, or whether
we will walk in the light that has shone upon us, and be found of our
heavenly Father in the path of humble obedience. His blessings and
promises are for those who love and obey him.
Some urge that it is of no consequence whether we keep the Sab-
bath or not; but we say that from the Bible standpoint it is a matter
of great importance. Had it not been important, God would not have
wrought in so marvelous a manner to deliver his people from Egyp-
tian bondage. It was because he saw that they could not obey his
commandments in their servitude, that he revealed his mighty arm in
bringing them into a place where they could serve him. When they
came to Sinai, he took occasion to refresh their minds in regard to
his requirements. Christ and the Father, standing side by side upon
the mount, with solemn majesty proclaimed the ten commandments,
placing in the very center of the decalogue the Sabbath command.
Again and again the Lord told the people that if they would keep his
Sabbath he would take them to himself to be his chosen people; and
again and again sorrow and shame were brought upon them because
they failed to keep it. He also told them that the Sabbath should be
a sign between him and them forever, that they might know that he
was the Lord their God. Therefore it is of great importance that the
Sabbath be regarded according to the commandment.
We want to know the truth, the whole truth as it is in Jesus. We
cannot afford to cherish error on any point. Those who take their
stand firmly upon the truth will know what affliction and persecution
are. Few at the present time have any experimental knowledge of
what these are. They may think they are having a hard time, but God
is simply testing them to see if they have root in themselves. He is
proving them, as he proved Adam and Eve in Eden, to see if they will
obey him.
“Well,” says one, “if it were convenient, I would keep the Sabbath;
but as it is, there is too great a cross connected with it.” Paul says,
“God forbid that I should glory, save in the cross of our Lord Jesus
Christ, by whom the world is crucified unto me, and I unto the world.”
Here is a double crucifixion. As the conscientious Christian takes his
stand upon Bible truth, there are always those who refuse to accept it,
and choose the world. The wife may take her position in favor of truth,