Seite 221 - Historical Sketches of the Foreign Missions of the Seventh-day Adventists (1886)

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Laborers for Foreign Missions
who want to become missionaries among their own people in foreign
In the office at Battle Creek, at Basle, and at Christiania, there
is pressing need of translators in the different languages, and the
various branches of the work are crippled for the want of competent
and experienced laborers. God-fearing workers are wanted in our
houses of publication, in our missions, and in our churches. There
is need of persons educated in the English, the French, the German,
and the Scandinavian. We want a hundred laborers where there is one.
The heavy responsibilities should not rest alone upon any one man
in any branch of the work. Two or three should be fitted to share the
burden, so that if one shall be called to another post of duty, others
may be prepared to supply his place. Provision has not been made half
as extensively as it should have been against any and every emergency.
Care should be exercised to select the right men for teachers in
the missionary schools. Young men who are themselves deficient in
Christian experience are not wanted. Our work is not to be done in
a hap-hazard manner. Satan is united with human agencies to take
advantage of every mistake. Unclean hands and unholy hearts cannot
be intrusted with this sacred work. Those whose lips and hearts have
not been touched as with a live coal from off God’s altar, should not be
allowed to connect themselves with his work until they are converted.
“Be ye clean that bear the vessels of the Lord.”
We need men who fear God, men who mean to learn, and who
will labor with an eye single to his glory. The workers need to come
closer to God than they have done. They must have his converting
power upon the heart in order that he may impart to them wisdom and
knowledge as he did to Daniel, and make them channels of light to
others. Let those who are to be educators of others seek God daily for
this heavenly endowment, that the understanding may be quick and
clear, and that the beauty of holiness may be revealed in the character.
God will help them if they seek him. Those who have been under their
instruction may be presented before God ready to do his work with
thoroughness and fidelity.
Our ideas are altogether too narrow. God calls for continual ad-
vancement in the work of diffusing light. We must study improved
ways and means of reaching the people. We need to hear with ears
of faith the mighty Captain of the Lord’s host saying, “Go forward.”