Seite 223 - Historical Sketches of the Foreign Missions of the Seventh-day Adventists (1886)

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Laborers for Foreign Missions
whose hearts are warm with the love of Christ and with love for souls.
All who enter the missionary field will have hardships and trials to
endure; they will find hard work, and plenty of it; but those of the right
stamp of character will persevere under difficulties, discouragements,
and privations, holding firmly to the arm of the Lord. They will show
a zeal that will not flag, a faith that will not yield, a resolution that will
not weaken. They are doing no more than God requires, when they
dedicate themselves, soul, body, and spirit, to his service, becoming
partakers with Christ in his sufferings. If they share his self-denial and
cross-bearing, they will be partakers also in his joy,—the joy of seeing
souls saved through their instrumentality in the kingdom of glory.