Seite 229 - Historical Sketches of the Foreign Missions of the Seventh-day Adventists (1886)

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Our Duty to the Missionary Work
be stated seasons for united prayer for the advancement of this work.
Let all be united, having a specific object for their faith and entreaties.
Brethren, move high heaven with your prayers for God to work with
the efforts of his servants.
We need to cry to God as did Jacob for a fuller baptism of the Holy
Spirit. The time for labor is short. Let there be much praying. Let the
soul yearn after God. Let the secret places of prayer be often visited.
Let there be a taking hold of the strength of the Mighty One of Israel.
Let the ministers walk humbly before the Lord, weeping between the
porch and the altar, and crying, “Spare thy people, O Lord, and give
not thine heritage to reproach.”
Let none indulge the thought that we have attempted too much.
No, no; we have attempted too little. The work which we are now
doing ought to have been done years ago. Our plans must enlarge,
our operations must be extended. What is needed now is a church
whose individual members shall be awake and active to do all that it is
possible for them to accomplish.
We are not left alone in this work. We are laborers together with
God, in partnership with divine resources. The Lord has agencies that
he will put in operation in answer to the importunate prayer of faith.
He will fulfill his word, “Lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end
of the world.” The Captain of our salvation is on every field of battle
where truth is waging war against error. The truth which we profess
offers the highest encouragement to the most devoted self-denial and
persevering effort that mortal energies can bestow. We should have
the courage of heroes, and the faith of martyrs.