Seite 27 - Historical Sketches of the Foreign Missions of the Seventh-day Adventists (1886)

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Christian’s Strength
fasten upon them the idea that they are not appreciated. They begin to
pity and sympathize with themselves, and to lose faith and confidence
in Jesus; and as the result they walk apart from him who asks them to
cast their burdens upon him.
To such we would say, Recount what God has done for you. Tell
Satan that you do not trust in your own righteousness, but in the righ-
teousness of Christ. Keep the mind filled with the precious promises
found in the Bible, and when Satan comes in like a flood to overwhelm
you, meet him with the weapon which the word of God has provided,
“It is written.” This will break his power and give you the victory.
Do not make it appear to any one that the road to heaven is an
unpleasant path. Show by your words and actions that although this
road is too straight and narrow to be entered with the burden of the
world and of pride and self-importance, it is a precious way, cast up
for the ransomed of the Lord to walk in. Although marked with trials
and discouragements, it may be made, through faith and determined
effort to defeat the enemy, a victorious, triumphant way.
We are pilgrims and strangers in this world; but we are traveling
to a heavenly country. We shall meet with disappointments; but it is
our privilege to turn every apparent defeat into a victory. Satan will
contend for our souls every step of the way; but if we look over to
Jesus, our present help in every time of need, he will lift up for us a
standard against the enemy. Instead of complaining at every difficulty,
we are to fight the good fight of faith, enduring hardness as good
soldiers of the cross of Christ. The wounds and scars of our warfare
will be to us, as to Paul, the trophies of victory.
I feel so thankful this morning that we can commit the keeping
of our souls to God as unto a faithful Creator. Sometimes the enemy
presses me the hardest with his temptations and darkness when I am
about to speak to the people. I have such a sense of weakness that it
seems like an impossibility to stand before the congregation. But if
I should give up to my feelings, and say that I could not speak, the
enemy would gain the victory. I dare not do this. I move right forward,
take my place in the desk, and say, “Jesus, I hang my helpless soul on
thee; thou wilt not suffer me to be brought to confusion,” and the Lord
gives me the victory.
This was the case last Sabbath, and it has been my experience
over and over again. Why is this? God honors my faith. I plead his