Seite 43 - Historical Sketches of the Foreign Missions of the Seventh-day Adventists (1886)

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Book of Life
a little sacrifice for Christ’s sake. It seems such a great thing in their
eyes to deny inclination.
If we look back over history, we shall find that those missionaries
who have gone to labor among the savages did not feel that they had
made one-half so great a sacrifice as many do now who go forth to
labor in a field all prepared for them. Many show that they know little
of the sufferings of Christ. They have not drank of the cup of his
sufferings, nor been baptized with his baptism. The Spirit and power
of God has not taken hold of their understanding; the refining fire has
not softened and purified their hearts; and the saving message of truth
that they are to carry to those in darkness is not shut up in their hearts
as fire within their bones. Instead of cheerfully going without the camp
to bear the reproach, some choose to linger around their homes, and
thus fail to obtain a most precious experience in the things of God.
When our hearts are all aglow with love for Jesus and the souls
for whom he died, success will attend our labors. My heart cries out
after the living God. I want a closer connection with him. I want to
realize his strengthening power, that I may do more effective work
in his cause; and I want my brethren and sisters who are here to be
blessed spiritually and physically. I entreat you to be men and women
of prayer. Do not seek your own pleasure and convenience, but seek
to know and do the will of God. Let each one inquire, Can I not point
some soul to the Lamb of God, who taketh away the sin of the world?
Can I not comfort some desponding one? Can I not be the means of
saving some soul in the kingdom of God? We want the deep movings
of the Spirit of God in our hearts, that we may not only be able to
secure for ourselves the white raiment, but that we may so influence
others that their names may be entered in the book of life, never to be
blotted out.
Friday morning, September 25.