Seite 45 - Historical Sketches of the Foreign Missions of the Seventh-day Adventists (1886)

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Light of the World
expression from her lips; and yet she was the most cheerful person I
ever saw. Hers was not a life of darkness and gloom, nor of lightness
and frivolity. In this respect our lives should be like hers. God would
not have us live under a cloud, but as in the light of his countenance.
Some are naturally of a reticent disposition; a smile is seldom seen
upon their faces, and they seem more like statues than human beings.
Such should open their hearts to the Sun of righteousness, and gather
precious rays of light from Jesus, that they may reflect them to others.
God wants you, brethren and sisters, to have this light in your hearts,
and then you will be channels of light wherever you are. Like the
sunflower, which turns its face constantly toward the sun, you must
look continually toward the Source of light, that you may catch every
ray possible.
Many who profess to be followers of Christ are as worlds without
the sun. If these would leave their darkness and unbelief, and press
forward in faith, they would become light in the Lord. Who would
think of distrusting a dear friend who promised that if we would follow
him he would lead us safely through the darkest forest? Much less
ought we to doubt the word of Jesus, who has said, “He that followeth
me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life.” He will
not leave those who trust in him to fall under the temptations of Satan.
This is not his way of dealing with his children. He has promised to
lift upon them the light of his countenance.
The law of God is made void in the land, but here is a little company
who have come out from the world and are standing in defense of that
law. To these Jesus says, “Ye are the light of the world.” Now, suppose
that you keep your minds dwelling upon self and your darkness; how
can you be the light of the world? You keep yourselves in darkness
by looking at your own imperfections, instead of the willingness and
power of Jesus to save to the uttermost all that come unto him in faith.
You hug your darkness so close that there is no chance for the light to
get in.
I want to say to those who have been desponding, When Satan
comes in to tempt you, and you have no evidence that the Lord accepts
you, do not look to see how dark you are, but look up to the light.
Begin to praise God for the plan of salvation, and hold every victory
gained through Christ. As you repeat the confidence you have in Jesus,
Satan will flee; for he cannot bear the name of Jesus. Thus, step by