Seite 82 - Historical Sketches of the Foreign Missions of the Seventh-day Adventists (1886)

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78 Historical Sketches of the Foreign Missions of the Seventh-day Adventists
never designed should exist. Nothing of this kind was seen anciently
among his people when he was their acknowledged leader. Valuable
lessons might be learned by the rulers of today, if they would study
the plan of government given to the children of Israel.
People were subject to misfortune, sickness, and loss of property
the same then as now; but so long as they followed the instruction
given by God there were no beggars among them, neither any who
suffered for food. Their wise Governor, foreseeing that misfortune
would befall some, made provision for them. When the people entered
Canaan, the land was divided among them according to their numbers,
and special laws were enacted to prevent any one person from joining
field to field, and claiming as his, all the land that he desired, or had
money to purchase. No one was allowed to choose the most fertile
parts for himself, and leave the poor and less desirable portions for his
brother; for this would cultivate selfishness and a spirit of oppression,
and give cause for dissatisfaction, complaint, and dissension.
By the special direction of God, the land was divided by lot. After
it had been thus divided, no one was to feel at liberty, either from a
love of change or a desire to make money, to trade his estate; neither
was he to sell his land unless compelled to do so on account of poverty.
And then whenever he or any of his kindred might desire to redeem
it, the one who had purchased it must not refuse to sell it. And if the
poor man had no one to redeem it for him, and was unable to do so
himself, in the year of jubilee it should revert to him, and he should
have the privilege of returning to his home and again enjoying it. Thus
the poor and unfortunate were ever to have an equal chance with their
more fortunate neighbors.
More than this, the Israelites were instructed to sow and reap
their fields for six successive years; but every seventh year they were
commanded to let the land rest. Whatever grew of itself was to be
gathered by the poor; and what they left, the beasts of the field were
to eat. This was to impress the people with the fact that it was God’s
land which they were permitted to possess for a time; that he was the
rightful owner, the original proprietor, and that he would have special
consideration made for the poor and unfortunate. This provision was
made to lessen suffering, to bring some ray of hope, to flash some
gleam of sunshine, into the lives of the suffering and distressed. Is any
such statute regarded in England? Far from it. The Lord set needy