Seite 84 - Historical Sketches of the Foreign Missions of the Seventh-day Adventists (1886)

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80 Historical Sketches of the Foreign Missions of the Seventh-day Adventists
the brethren will be patient, and the laborers will be fully awake and
thoroughly in earnest to improve every opportunity which presents
itself for spreading the light, we are sure that an abundant harvest of
souls will yet be reaped from English soil. By tact and perseverance,
ample means will be found for reaching the people.
There will no doubt always be difficulty in reaching the higher
classes. But the truth will often find its way to the noblemen by
first reaching the middle and poorer classes. This was the case in
Paul’s day. The truth entered Caesar’s household through one who
was held in bonds, and men and women of high rank became disciples
of Christ. Some who are now employed in England as servants and
ladies’ maids are quietly working to get the truth before those for
whom they labor. Thus through servants or relatives the truth will
reach the honest-hearted among the highest as well as the lowest.
Energy and a spirit of self-sacrifice and self-denial are needed in
entering the missionary field. I know whereof I speak. Resolute and
unyielding men will accomplish much. We have had an experience in
the work from its commencement. It began in weakness; but we can
testify that wonders can be accomplished by resolute perseverance,
patient toil, and firm trust in the Lord God of Israel. There is scarcely
a limit to what may be achieved, even in England, if the efforts to
advance Bible truth are governed by enlightened judgment, and backed
up by earnest exertion.