Seite 90 - Historical Sketches of the Foreign Missions of the Seventh-day Adventists (1886)

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86 Historical Sketches of the Foreign Missions of the Seventh-day Adventists
now one missionary in the field there might be one hundred. Who will
have to render an account for this great lack of funds? Many of our
American brethren have done nobly and willingly for the advancement
of the truth in Europe. But there is a great work yet to be done. Many
who have given liberally could do more, and others should now come
forward and bear their share of the burden. Now is the time when
houses and lands should be converted into mission funds. Men are to
be educated and disciplined. We feel alarmed at the little that is being
done, when we have a world-wide message, and the end of all things
is at hand. Christ is soon to come in the clouds of heaven to reward
every man as his works have been. To whom will it then be said, “Ye
have done what ye could”?