Seite 92 - Historical Sketches of the Foreign Missions of the Seventh-day Adventists (1886)

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88 Historical Sketches of the Foreign Missions of the Seventh-day Adventists
that we might unite our prayers with theirs for the pardon of sin, and
for grace to resist temptation. This was a new experience for many,
but they did not hesitate. It seemed that the entire congregation were
on their feet, and the best they could do was to be seated, and all seek
the Lord together. Here was an entire congregation manifesting their
determination to put away sin, and to engage most earnestly in the
work of seeking God. After prayer, one hundred and fifteen testimonies
were borne. Many of these showed a genuine experience in the things
of God.
At the close of the Conference, many of our Swiss brethren were
obliged to return to their homes; but some remained to the close of the
Council, although it continued one week longer than was expected.
The Council was attended by laborers from England, Ireland, Wales,
Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Germany, France, Italy, and Roumania.
Besides the regular business meetings each day, there were held two
Bible readings, a class for the benefit of canvassers and colporteurs,
and one for those who wished to learn English. There were also several
ministers’ meetings, besides the sermons and regular morning meet-
ings for social worship. I felt urged by the Spirit of God throughout
the meetings to impress upon all the importance of cultivating love
and unity. I tried to present the danger of building up separate interests
between different nationalities.
If we have the truth, the work in these countries must enlarge. New
fields will be continually opening, and the church must extend her
efforts by entering these fields. The message must go, notwithstanding
the hard times. We must make special efforts in this direction now,
while the angels are holding the four winds. Soon the time to labor
will be past. Who does not want to have a part in this closing work?
All can do something. Those who cannot give themselves can give
of their means, and all can pray not only that the Lord will raise up
laborers, but that the treasury may be supplied with the necessary funds
to extend the work. Pray, brethren, pray earnestly, that the hearts of
some who are doing very little, and of others who have as yet done
nothing, may be opened, and that the means that God has intrusted to
them may be used to his glory. The work begun in weakness will be
carried on to a glorious termination. The truth must go to all nations,
tongues, and peoples, and that speedily.