Seite 108 - Sketches from the Life of Paul (1883)

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Sketches from the Life of Paul
in the city and in the wilderness, from his own countrymen, from the
heathen, and from false brethren,—all these he endured for the truth’s
sake. He was defamed, reviled, “made the offscouring of all things,”
“perplexed, persecuted, troubled on every side,” “in jeopardy every
hour,” “alway delivered unto death for Jesus’ sake.”
Amid the constant storm of opposition, the clamor of enemies,
and the desertion of friends, the intrepid apostle at times almost lost
heart. But he looked back to Calvary, and with new ardor pressed on
to spread the knowledge of the Crucified. He was but treading the
blood-stained path which Christ had trodden before him. He sought
no discharge from the warfare till he should lay off his armor at the
feet of his Redeemer.
Eighteen centuries have passed since the apostle rested from his
labors; yet the history of his toils and sacrifices for Christ’s sake are
among the most precious treasures of the church. That history was
recorded by the Holy Spirit, that the followers of Christ in every age
might thereby be incited to greater zeal and faithfulness in the cause
of their Master.
How does this hero of faith tower above the self-indulgent, ease-
loving men who are today crowding the ranks of the ministry. When
subjected to the ordinary difficulties and trials of life, many feel that
their lot is hard. But what have they done or suffered for the cause of
Christ? How does their record appear when compared with that of this
great apostle? What burden of soul have they felt for the salvation of
sinners? They know little of self-denial or sacrifice. They are indebted
to the grace of Christ for all the excellences of character which they
possess, for every blessing which they enjoy. All that they are, and all
that they have, is the purchase of the blood of Christ. As the servants
of Christ encounter opposition and persecution, they should not permit
their faith to grow dim or their courage to fail. With Christ as a helper,
they can resist every foe, and overcome every difficulty. The same
obligation rests upon them which impelled the apostle to his unwearied
labors. Only those who emulate his fidelity, will share with him the
crown of life.
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