Seite 115 - Sketches from the Life of Paul (1883)

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Paul to the Corinthians
Christ himself, the foundation and the crowning glory of God’s
temple, became “a rock of offense to them that stumble at the word.”
Yet that chief foundation stone, “disallowed indeed of men,” was
“chosen of God and precious.” Though rejected by the Jewish builders,
it became the head of the corner. Christ was put to death; but the
work of building did not cease. He was honored in Heaven and by the
faithful on earth as the true foundation.
The servants of Christ have ever been greatly hindered in their
labors by the errors which have from time to time corrupted the church.
Carnal minds wrest the word of God to make it pander to their fol-
lies and superstitions. That unerring word, the rule by which every
stone brought to the foundation must be tested, has been virtually set
aside by many who appeared to be zealous builders on the temple of
Christ’s church. Thus wood, hay, and stubble have been laid upon the
foundation stone by heedless workmen as precious acquisitions.
When emperors, kings, popes, and priests sought to defile and
destroy this temple of God with sacrilegious idolatry and persecution
of the faithful, God’s eye never for a moment left his building and his
workmen. In the face of gaping prisons, torture, and flames, the work
grew under the hands of faithful men; the structure arose, beautiful and
symmetrical. The workmen were at times almost blinded by the mists
of superstition that settled dense and dark around them, and they were
beaten back by the violence of their opponents; yet, like Nehemiah
and his co-laborers, they still urged forward the work. Their language
was, The God of Heaven liveth and reigneth; he will prosper his own
work. Therefore we, his servants, will arise and build.
The figure which Paul uses of the temple erected on the foundation
stone is to represent the work of God’s servants to the end of time.
To all who are building for God, the apostle addresses words of en-
couragement and warning: “If any man’s work abide, which he have
built thereupon, he shall receive a reward. If any man’s work shall
be burned, he shall suffer loss; but he himself shall be saved, yet so
as by fire.” The Christian teacher who faithfully presents the word of
truth, leading his converts to holiness of heart and life, is bringing
precious material to the foundation; and in the kingdom of God he
will be honored as a wise builder. He who neglects to teach the truth
in its purity, will gather converts who are not holy in heart and life. He
is bringing material that will not stand the test. In the day of God he