Seite 127 - Sketches from the Life of Paul (1883)

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Second Epistle to the Corinthians
Christ gave his life for man. He was a monarch in the courts of
Heaven, yet he voluntarily left his riches and honor, and came to earth,
becoming poor and lowly that we might be made rich and happy in
the kingdom of Heaven. The revelation of the gospel should lead all
who accept its sacred truths to imitate the great Exemplar in doing
good, in blessing humanity, and in living a life of self-denial and
benevolence. The sin of covetousness is specially denounced in the
Scriptures. Worldliness is at war with the true principles of Christianity.
A life of beneficent labor is the fruit borne by the Christian tree.
A deep sadness still rested upon the mind and heart of Paul because
of his apprehensions concerning the Corinthian church. While at
Philippi he commenced his second epistle to them; for they hung as a
heavy weight upon his soul. The depression of spirits from which the
apostle suffered was, however, attributable in a great degree to bodily
infirmities, which made him very restless when not engaged in active
service. But when working for the salvation of souls, he rose superior
to physical debility. He felt that the disease under which he suffered
was a terrible impediment to him in his great work, and repeatedly
besought the Lord to relieve him. God did not see fit to answer his
prayers in this respect, though he gave him assurance that divine grace
should be sufficient for him.
Paul’s burden because of the Corinthians did not leave him until
he reached Macedonia, where he met Titus. He states, “Our flesh had
no rest, but we were troubled on every side; without were fightings,
within were fears. Nevertheless, God that comforteth those that are
cast down, comforted us by the coming of Titus.” The report of this
faithful messenger greatly relieved the mind of Paul. Titus assured
him that the greater part of the church at Corinth had submitted to
the injunctions of the apostle, and had given proof of the deepest
repentance for the sins that had brought a reproach upon Christianity.
They had immediately separated from their fellowship the ones who
had sinned, and who had sought to justify their corrupt course. They
had also nobly responded to the appeal in behalf of the poor saints at
In this second epistle to the church, the apostle expressed his joy at
the good work which had been wrought in them: “Though I made you
sorry with a letter, I do not repent, though I did repent”—when tortured
with fear that his words would be despised, and half regretting that he