Seite 202 - Sketches from the Life of Paul (1883)

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Sketches from the Life of Paul
of ministers of the gospel, against men of learning, position, and
authority. The evidence of its binding claims cannot be overthrown;
yet its enemies will come again and again to the battle, urging the
same arguments, every time refuted, and as often renewed.
Paul was led and taught by the Holy Spirit; but, notwithstanding
this, those who were not thus taught were filled with jealousy and
malice when they saw him advocating truths which they had not sanc-
tioned. They were determined that he should move no faster than they.
Had they, like the noble Bereans, searched the Scriptures with a hum-
ble, teachable spirit, they would have learned the truth as Paul preached
it; but they studied only to find something to sustain themselves and
condemn him.
The truth always involves a cross. Those who will not believe,
oppose and deride those who do believe. The fact that its presentation
creates a storm of opposition, is no evidence against the truth. The
prophets and apostles imperiled their lives because they would consci-
entiously obey God. And our Saviour declares that “all that will live
godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution.” This is the Christian’s