Seite 23 - Sketches from the Life of Paul (1883)

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Conversion of Saul
vessel” unto him; yet he did not personally impart to him the lessons
of truth. He arrested his course and convicted him; but when asked
by him, “What wilt thou have me to do?” the Saviour placed him in
connection with his church, and let them direct him what to do.
Jesus is the friend of sinners; his heart is touched by their woe;
he has all power, both in Heaven and upon earth; but he respects the
means which he has ordained for the enlightenment and salvation of
men; he directs sinners to the church, which he has made a channel of
light to the world.
Saul was a learned teacher in Israel; but, while in the midst of
his blind error and prejudice, Christ reveals himself to him, and then
places him in communication with his church, which is the light of
the world. In this case Ananias represents Christ, and also represents
Christ’s ministers upon earth, who are appointed to act in his stead. In
Christ’s stead, Ananias touches the eyes of Saul that they may receive
sight. In Christ’s stead, he places his hands upon him, and, praying
in Christ’s name, Saul receives the Holy Ghost. All is done in the
name and by the authority of Christ; but the church is the channel of
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