Seite 240 - Sketches from the Life of Paul (1883)

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Sketches from the Life of Paul
up through the calm blue heaven of that summer’s day to the throne
of the Eternal. His language was, O Lord, thou art my comfort and
my portion. When shall I embrace thee? when shall I behold thee for
myself, without a dimming vail between?
Paul carried with him through his life on earth the very atmosphere
of Heaven. All who associated with him felt the influence of his
connection with Christ and companionship with angels. Here lies
the power of the truth. The unstudied, unconscious influence of a
holy life is the most convincing sermon that can be given in favor of
Christianity. Argument, even when unanswerable, may provoke only
opposition; but a godly example has a power which it is impossible
wholly to resist.
While the apostle lost sight of his own near sufferings, he felt a
deep solicitude for the disciples whom he was about to leave to cope
with prejudice, hatred, and persecution. He endeavored to strengthen
and encourage the few Christians who accompanied him to the place
of execution, by repeating the exceeding precious promises given for
those who are persecuted for righteousness’ sake. He assures them that
nothing shall fail of all that the Lord hath spoken concerning his tried
and faithful ones. They shall arise and shine; for the light of the Lord
shall arise upon them. They shall put on their beautiful garments when
the glory of the Lord shall be revealed. For a little season they may
be in heaviness through manifold temptations, they may be destitute
of earthly comfort; but they must encourage their hearts by saying, I
know in whom I have believed. He is able to keep that which I have
committed to his trust. His rebuke will come to an end, and the glad
morning of peace and perfect day will come.
Paul declared to his brethren, It did not appear to our fathers what
great and good things should be given to those who believe in Jesus.
They desired to see the things which we see, and to hear the things
which we hear, but they died without the sight or the knowledge. The
greater light which we have received is shed upon us by the gospel
of Christ. Holy men of old were acknowledged and honored of God
because they were faithful over a few things; and it is only those that
improve with the same fidelity their greater trust, who will with them
be counted profitable servants, and be crowned with glory, honor, and