Seite 62 - Sketches from the Life of Paul (1883)

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Sketches from the Life of Paul
In his first Epistle to the Thessalonians, Paul says, “For our gospel
came not unto you in word only, but also in power, and in the Holy
Ghost, and in much assurance; as ye know what manner of men we
were among you for your sake. And ye became followers of us, and of
the Lord, having received the word in much affliction, with joy of the
Holy Ghost; so that ye were ensamples to all that believe in Macedonia
and Achaia.”
Those who preach unpopular truth in our day meet with determined
resistance, as did the apostles. They need expect no more favorable
reception from a large majority of professed Christians than did Paul
from his Jewish brethren. There will be a union of opposing elements
against them; for however diverse from each other different organiza-
tions may be in their sentiments and religious faith, their forces are
united in trampling under foot the fourth commandment in the law of
Those who will not themselves accept the truth are most zealous
that others shall not receive it; and those are not wanting who perse-
veringly manufacture falsehoods, and stir up the base passions of the
people to make the truth of God of none effect. But the messengers of
Christ must arm themselves with watchfulness and prayer, and move
forward with faith, firmness, and courage, and, in the name of Jesus,
keep at their work, as did the apostles. They must sound the note of
warning to the world, teaching the transgressors of the law what sin is,
and pointing them to Jesus Christ as its great and only remedy.