Working for the Intemperate
unstimulating food and drink, clean clothing, opportunity to secure
physical cleanliness. They need to be surrounded with an atmosphere
of helpful, uplifting Christian influence. In every city a place should
be provided where the slaves of evil habit may receive help to break
the chains that bind them. Strong drink is regarded by many as the
only solace in trouble; but this need not be, if, instead of acting the
part of the priest and Levite, professed Christians would follow the
example of the good Samaritan.
In dealing with the victims of intemperance we must remember
that we are not dealing with sane men, but with those who for
the time being are under the power of a demon. Be patient and
forbearing. Think not of the repulsive, forbidding appearance, but
of the precious life that Christ died to redeem. As the drunkard
awakens to a sense of his degradation, do all in your power to show
that you are his friend. Speak no word of censure. Let no act or
look express reproach or aversion. Very likely the poor soul curses
himself. Help him to rise. Speak words that will encourage faith.
Seek to strengthen every good trait in his character. Teach him how
to reach upward. Show him that it is possible for him to live so as
to win the respect of his fellow men. Help him to see the value of
the talents which God has given him, but which he has neglected to
Although the will has been depraved and weakened, there is
hope for him in Christ. He will awaken in the heart higher impulses
and holier desires. Encourage him to lay hold of the hope set before
him in the gospel. Open the Bible before the tempted, struggling
one, and over and over again read to him the promises of God. These
promises will be to him as the leaves of the tree of life. Patiently
continue your efforts, until with grateful joy the trembling hand
grasps the hope of redemption through Christ.
You must hold fast to those whom you are trying to help, else
victory will never be yours. They will be continually tempted to evil.
Again and again they will be almost overcome by the craving for
strong drink; again and again they may fall; but do not, because of
this, cease your efforts.
They have decided to make an effort to live for Christ; but their
will power is weakened, and they must be carefully guarded by those
who watch for souls as they that must give an account. They have lost