Mind Cure
that He gives apart from Himself. It is in Christ, and we can receive
it only by receiving Him.
Christ is the wellspring of life. That which many need is to have
a clearer knowledge of Him; they need to be patiently and kindly,
yet earnestly, taught how the whole being may be thrown open to
the healing agencies of heaven. When the sunlight of God’s love
illuminates the darkened chambers of the soul, restless weariness
and dissatisfaction will cease, and satisfying joys will give vigor to
the mind and health and energy to the body.
We are in a world of suffering. Difficulty, trial, and sorrow await
us all along the way to the heavenly home. But there are many
who make life’s burdens doubly heavy by continually anticipating
trouble. If they meet with adversity or
“With thanksgiving let your requests be made known
unto God.”
Philippians 4:6
disappointment they think that everything is going to ruin, that theirs
is the hardest lot of all, that they are surely coming to want. Thus
they bring wretchedness upon themselves and cast a shadow upon
all around them. Life itself becomes a burden to them. But it need
not be thus. It will cost a determined effort to change the current
of their thought. But the change can be made. Their happiness,
both for this life and for the life to come, depends upon their fixing
their minds upon cheerful things. Let them look away from the dark
picture, which is imaginary, to the benefits which God has strewn in
their pathway, and beyond these to the unseen and eternal.
For every trial, God has provided help. When Israel in the desert
came to the bitter waters of Marah, Moses cried unto the Lord. The
Lord did not provide some new remedy; He called attention to that
which was at hand. A shrub which He had created was to be cast
into the fountain to make the water pure and sweet. When this was
done, the people drank of the water and were refreshed. In every
trial, if we seek Him, Christ will give us help. Our eyes will be
opened to discern the healing promises recorded in His word. The
Holy Spirit will teach us how to appropriate every blessing that will
be an antidote to grief. For every bitter draft that is placed to our
lips, we shall find a branch of healing.