In Contact With Nature
has made the lofty trees, the grass, and the flowers, encouraging
them to see in every bud and flower an expression of His love for
His children. He who cares for the birds and the flowers will care
for the beings formed in His own image.
Out of doors, amid the things that God has made, breathing the
fresh, health-giving air, the sick can best be told of the new life in
Christ. Here God’s word can be read. Here the light of Christ’s
righteousness can shine into hearts darkened by sin.
O, could I find, from day to day,
A nearness to my God,
Then would my hours glide sweet away,
While leaning on His word.
Lord, I desire with Thee to live
Anew from day to day,
In joys the world can never give,
Nor ever take away.
Blest Jesus, come, and rule my heart,
And make me wholly Thine,
That I may nevermore depart,
Nor grieve Thy love divine.
Men and women in need of physical and spiritual healing are to
be thus brought into contact with those whose words and acts will
draw them to Christ. They are to be brought under the influence
of the great Medical Missionary, who can heal both soul and body.
They are to hear the story of the Saviour’s love, of the pardon freely
provided for all who come to Him confessing their sins.
Under such influences as these, many suffering ones will be
guided into the way of life. Angels of heaven co-operate with
human instrumentalities in bringing encouragement and hope and
joy and peace to the hearts of the sick and suffering. Under such
conditions the sick are doubly blessed, and many find health. The
feeble step recovers its elasticity. The eye regains its brightness. The