The Ministry of Healing
every man according to his works?”
Proverbs 24:11,
“To what purpose is the multitude of your sacrifices
unto Me? saith the Lord....
When ye come to appear before Me,
Who hath required this at your hand, to tread My courts?
Bring no more vain oblation ....
When ye spread forth your hands,
I will hide Mine eyes from you:
Yea, when ye make many prayers, I will not hear:
Your hands are full of blood.”
Isaiah 1:11-15.
The drunkard is capable of better things. He has been entrusted
with talents with which to honor God and bless the world; but his
fellow men have laid a snare for his soul and built themselves up by
his degradation. They have lived in luxury while the poor victims
whom they have robbed, lived in poverty and wretchedness. But
God will require for this at the hand of him who has helped to speed
the drunkard on to ruin. He who rules in the heavens has not lost
sight of the first cause or the last effect of drunkenness. He who has
a care for the sparrow and clothes the grass of the field, will not pass
by those who have been formed in His own image, purchased with
His own blood, and pay no heed to their cries. God marks all this
wickedness that perpetuates crime and misery.
The world and the church may have approval for the man who
has gained wealth by degrading the human soul. They may smile
upon him by whom men are led down step by step in the path of
shame and degradation. But God notes it all and renders a just
judgment. The liquor seller may be termed by the world a good
businessman; but the Lord says, “Woe unto him.” He will be charged
with the hopelessness, the misery, the suffering, brought into the
world by the liquor traffic. He will have to answer for the want and
woe of the mothers and children who have suffered for food and
clothing and shelter, and who have buried all hope and joy. He will