Page 138 - Our Father Cares (1991)

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Tender, Loving, Compassionate, May 3
But thou, O Lord, art a God full of compassion, and gracious,
long-suffering, and plenteous in mercy and truth.
Psalm 86:15
God has ordained according to the law of ministry that we should comfort one
another in tenderness and love when great sorrows come upon us. No man liveth
unto himself. No one dieth unto himself. Life and death both mean something
to every human being.... God has enjoined the duty upon His human agents to
communicate the character of God, testifying to His grace, His wisdom, and His
benevolence, by manifesting His refined, tender, merciful love.... Jesus ... was
ever touched with human woe, and our hearts should be softened and subdued by
His Holy Spirit, that we may be like Him....
Our work is to restore the moral image of God in man through the abundant
grace given us of God by Jesus Christ. Everywhere we shall find souls ready to
die, and how essential it is that the compassion of Christ shall be given us of Him,
in order that we may never place one soul in defiance by not manifesting long
forbearance and pitying tenderness.... I inquire, Will we ever learn the gentleness
of Christ? Oh, how much we need to know Jesus and our heavenly Father that we
may represent Him in character! ...
Jesus calls us to Himself not simply to refresh us with His grace and presence
for a few hours, and then to send us forth from His light to walk apart from Him
in sadness and gloom. No, no. He tells us that we must abide with Him and He
with us. Wherever His work is to be done He is present—tender, loving, and com-
passionate. He has prepared for you and me an abiding dwelling place in Himself.
He is our refuge. Our experience should broaden and deepen. Jesus has opened up
all the divine fullness of His inexpressible love, and He declares to you, Ye “are
labourers together with God” (
1 Corinthians 3:9
). O what meaning these words
have—“Abide in me” (
John 15:4
), “Take my yoke upon you” (
Matthew 11:29
Will we take it? for the promise is, “Ye shall find rest unto your souls.” There is
rest, complete rest in abiding in Christ.