Page 322 - Our Father Cares (1991)

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We Have The Blessed Assurance, October 27
I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee.
Hebrews 13:5
We have but one life to live, and through our daily connection with God we
have, in and through the merits of the Lord Jesus Christ, a constant sustenance
in doing the things that will represent Christ to the world. We may not have all
the conveniences that some have in ease and comfort and in earthly goods, but
we have the blessed assurance which Christ gave to His believing disciples.... To
them He said, “Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in God, believe also in
me. In my Father’s house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told
you. I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will
come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also”
John 14:1-3
Blessed words! We may receive Him into our hearts, and He will be unto us
hope and courage and sustaining grace. The Lord would have us trust fully and
entirely in Him. Then we will, in the simplicity of our faith, believe that Christ
will do for us all that He has promised. Let all come to the Saviour in the full
assurance that He will do all that He has promised.
We cannot please our Saviour more than by having faith in His promises. His
mercies can come to you, and your prayers can come to Him. Nothing can break
this line of communication. We must learn to bring all perplexities to Jesus Christ,
for He will help us. He will listen to our requests. We may come to Him in full
assurance of faith, nothing doubting, for He is the living Way....
The more we press our petitions to His throne, the more sure we are of
constantly receiving the great grace of our Lord Jesus Christ. You do not give
strength to the road you are traveling by [having] faith. But you increase in
strength and in assurance because you have a Guide right by your side, and you
can ask Him with perfect faith to guide your steps aright.
Then trust in the Lord Jesus to lead you step by step into the right path. You can
derive assurance and strength at every step you advance, for you can be assured
that your hand is in His hand. You can “run and not be weary”; you can “walk
and not faint,” for you can realize by faith that you have your hand in the hand
of Christ. You will not sink under discouragement, for as you follow on to know
the Lord, trusting in Him, you will have the assurance that the One who never
forsakes those who fully trust Him is your constant Helper.