Pride of Prosperity
he sold his honor and integrity. The enormous revenues acquired
through commerce with many lands were supplemented by heavy
taxes. Thus pride, ambition, prodigality, and indulgence bore fruit
in cruelty and exaction. The conscientious, considerate spirit that
had marked his dealings with the people during the early part of his
reign, was now changed. From the wisest and most merciful of rulers,
he degenerated into a tyrant. Once the compassionate, God-fearing
guardian of the people, he became oppressive and despotic. Tax after
tax was levied upon the people, that means might be forthcoming to
support the luxurious court.
The people began to complain. The respect and admiration they
had once cherished for their king was changed into disaffection and
As a safeguard against dependence on the arm of flesh, the Lord
had warned those who should rule over Israel not to multiply horses
to themselves. But in utter disregard of this command, “Solomon had
horses brought out of Egypt.” “And they brought unto Solomon horses
out of Egypt, and out of all lands.” “Solomon gathered together chariots
and horsemen: and he had a thousand and four hundred chariots,
and twelve thousand horsemen, whom he bestowed in the cities for
chariots, and with the king at Jerusalem.”
2 Chronicles 1:16
Kings 10:26
More and more the king came to regard luxury, self-indulgence,
and the favor of the world as indications of greatness. Beautiful and
attractive women were brought from Egypt, Phoenicia, Edom, and
Moab, and from many other places. These women were numbered by
hundreds. Their religion was idol worship, and they had been taught
to practice cruel and degrading rites. Infatuated with their beauty, the
king neglected his duties to God and to his kingdom.
His wives exerted a strong influence over him and gradually pre-
vailed on him to unite with them in their worship. Solomon had
disregarded the instruction that God had given to serve as a barrier
against apostasy, and now he gave himself up to the worship of the
false gods. “It came to pass, when Solomon was old, that his wives
turned away his heart after other gods: and his heart was not per-
fect with the Lord his God, as was the heart of David his father. For
Solomon went after Ashtoreth the goddess of the Zidonians, and after
Milcom the abomination of the Ammonites.”
1 Kings 11:4, 5