Seite 46 - Prophets and Kings (1917)

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Prophets and Kings
to himself the glory that belonged to the One “higher than the high-
Ecclesiastes 5:8
. Even to this day the temple of which Solomon
declared, “This house which I have built is called by Thy name” (
Chronicles 6:33
), is oftenest spoken of, not as the temple of Jehovah,
but as “Solomon’s temple.”
Man cannot show greater weakness than by allowing men to ascribe
to him the honor for gifts that are Heaven-bestowed. The true Christian
will make God first and last and best in everything. No ambitious
motives will chill his love for God; steadily, perseveringly, will he
cause honor to redound to his heavenly Father. It is when we are
faithful in exalting the name of God that our impulses are under divine
supervision, and we are enabled to develop spiritual and intellectual
Jesus, the divine Master, ever exalted the name of His heavenly
Father. He taught His disciples to pray, “Our Father who art in heaven,
hallowed be Thy name.”
Matthew 6:9
, A.R.V. And they were not to
forget to acknowledge, “Thine is ... the glory.”
Verse 13
. So careful
was the great Healer to direct attention from Himself to the Source of
His power, that the wondering multitude, “when they saw the dumb to
speak, the maimed to be whole, the lame to walk, and the blind to see,”
did not glorify Him, but “glorified the God of Israel.”
Matthew 15:31
In the wonderful prayer that Christ offered just before His crucifixion,
He declared, “I have glorified Thee on the earth.” “Glorify Thy Son,”
He pleaded, “that Thy Son also may glorify Thee.” “O righteous Father,
the world hath not known Thee: but I have known Thee, and these
have known that Thou hast sent Me. And I have declared unto them
Thy name, and will declare it: that the love wherewith Thou hast loved
Me may be in them, and I in them.”
John 17:4, 1, 25, 26
“Thus saith the Lord, Let not the wise man glory in his wisdom,
neither let the mighty man glory in his might, let not the rich man
glory in his riches: but let him that glorieth glory in this, that he
understandeth and knoweth Me, that I am the Lord which exercise
loving-kindness, judgment, and righteousness, in the earth: for in these
things I delight, saith the Lord.”
Jeremiah 9:23, 24
“I will praise the name of God, ...
And will magnify Him with thanksgiving.”