Seite 272 - The Publishing Ministry (1983)

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The Publishing Ministry
ministers are laboring in word and doctrine, these can also be calling
minds to the truth.
Our ministers who have gone to important places to hold tent meet-
ings, have often made a serious mistake in devoting all their time to
sermonizing. There should be less preaching and more teaching—
teaching the people, and also teaching young men how to labor suc-
cessfully. Ministers should become efficient in teaching others how
to study the Bible, and in training the minds and manners of those
who would become workers in the cause of God. And they should
be ready to counsel and instruct those who have newly come to the
faith, and who give promise of possessing ability to work for the
Gospel Workers, 76
Labor Outside Adventist Centers—We should release some of
the workers that are now tied up in those places where many interests
are centering, that they may go out as missionaries to communicate
the truth to others. Not only should the workers in these centers be
devoting their energies and means to the sending out of our publica-
tions, but they should also feel the importance of spending a portion
of their money in supporting the living preacher in the cities where
labor wisely expended will be very effective. The printed page cannot
accomplish alone the work that the living minister can do. He can
explain the Scriptures to the people, praying with them and appealing
to them, and making effective the truths of the Bible....
If necessary, let us limit the number of our periodical publications,
and let us send forth men and women to labor in faith and consecration
for the giving of this last message of mercy to the world.—
Letter 142,
From City to City and Place to Place—From town to town, from
city to city, from country to country, the warning message of present
truth is to be proclaimed, not with outward display, but in the power of
the Spirit, by men of faith. In the golden censer of truth, as presented
in the Scriptures, there is that which will convict and convert souls. As
the truth that our Saviour came to this world to proclaim is presented
in the simplicity of the gospel, the power of the message will make
itself felt. In this age, a new life coming from the Source of all life
is to take possession of every faithful laborer. Oh, how little do we
comprehend the breadth of our mission! We need to have earnest,
determined faith, and unshaken courage in the Lord. Our time to work