Seite 117 - Patriarchs and Prophets (1890)

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Abraham in Canaan
Abraham, dwelling in peace in the oak groves at Mamre, learned
from one of the fugitives the story of the battle and the calamity that
had befallen his nephew. He had cherished no unkind memory of
Lot’s ingratitude. All his affection for him was awakened, and he
determined that he should be rescued. Seeking, first of all, divine
counsel, Abraham prepared for war. From his own encampment he
summoned three hundred and eighteen trained servants, men trained
in the fear of God, in the service of their master, and in the practice of
arms. His confederates, Mamre, Eschol, and Aner, joined him with
their bands, and together they started in pursuit of the invaders. The
Elamites and their allies had encamped at Dan, on the northern border
of Canaan. Flushed with victory, and having no fear of an assault from
their vanquished foes, they had given themselves up to reveling. The
patriarch divided his force so as to approach from different directions,
and came upon the encampment by night. His attack, so vigorous and
unexpected, resulted in speedy victory. The king of Elam was slain and
his panic-stricken forces were utterly routed. Lot and his family, with
all the prisoners and their goods, were recovered, and a rich booty fell
into the hands of the victors. To Abraham, under God, the triumph was
due. The worshiper of Jehovah had not only rendered a great service
to the country, but had proved himself a man of valor. It was seen that
righteousness is not cowardice, and that Abraham’s religion made him
courageous in maintaining the right and defending the oppressed. His
heroic act gave him a widespread influence among the surrounding
tribes. On his return, the king of Sodom came out with his retinue to
honor the conqueror. He bade him take the goods, begging only that the
prisoners should be restored. By the usage of war, the spoils belonged
to the conquerors; but Abraham had undertaken this expedition with no
purpose of gain, and he refused to take advantage of the unfortunate,
only stipulating that his confederates should receive the portion to
which they were entitled.
Few, if subjected to such a test, would have shown themselves as
noble as did Abraham. Few would have resisted the temptation to
secure so rich a booty. His example is a rebuke to self-seeking, merce-
nary spirits. Abraham regarded the claims of justice and humanity. His
conduct illustrates the inspired maxim, “Thou shalt love thy neighbor
as thyself.”
Leviticus 19:18
. “I have lifted up my hand,” he said, “unto
the Lord, the most high God, the possessor of heaven and earth, that I