Seite 298 - Patriarchs and Prophets (1890)

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Patriarchs and Prophets
tudes give ear to Satan’s deceptions and set themselves against God.
But amid the working of evil, God’s purposes move steadily forward to
their accomplishment; to all created intelligences He is making man-
ifest His justice and benevolence. Through Satan’s temptations the
whole human race have become transgressors of God’s law, but by the
sacrifice of His Son a way is opened whereby they may return to God.
Through the grace of Christ they may be enabled to render obedience
to the Father’s law. Thus in every age, from the midst of apostasy and
rebellion, God gathers out a people that are true to Him—a people “in
whose heart is His law.”
Isaiah 51:7
It was by deception that Satan seduced angels; thus he has in all
ages carried forward his work among men, and he will continue this
policy to the last. Should he openly profess to be warring against God
and His law, men would beware; but he disguises himself, and mixes
truth with error. The most dangerous falsehoods are those that are
mingled with truth. It is thus that errors are received that captivate and
ruin the soul. By this means Satan carries the world with him. But a
day is coming when his triumph will be forever ended.
God’s dealings with rebellion will result in fully unmasking the
work that has so long been carried on under cover. The results of
Satan’s rule, the fruits of setting aside the divine statutes, will be laid
open to the view of all created intelligences. The law of God will
stand fully vindicated. It will be seen that all the dealings of God have
been conducted with reference to the eternal good of His people, and
the good of all the worlds that He has created. Satan himself, in the
presence of the witnessing universe, will confess the justice of God’s
government and the righteousness of His law.
The time is not far distant when God will arise to vindicate His
insulted authority. “The Lord cometh out of His place to punish the
inhabitants of the earth for their iniquity.”
Isaiah 26:21
. “But who may
abide the day of His coming? and who shall stand when He appeareth?”
Malachi 3:2
. The people of Israel, because of their sinfulness, were
forbidden to approach the mount when God was about to descend upon
it to proclaim His law, lest they should be consumed by the burning
glory of His presence. If such manifestations of His power marked the
place chosen for the proclamation of God’s law, how terrible must be
His tribunal when He comes for the execution of these sacred statutes.
How will those who have trampled upon His authority endure His