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Patriarchs and Prophets
given to the Egyptians before the hand of God was stretched out over
them in judgments.
In the deliverance of Israel from Egypt a knowledge of the power
of God spread far and wide. The warlike people of the stronghold of
Jericho trembled. “As soon as we had heard these things,” said Rahab,
“our hearts did melt, neither did there remain any more courage in
any man, because of you: for Jehovah your God, He is God in heaven
above, and in earth beneath.”
Joshua 2:11
. Centuries after the exodus
the priests of the Philistines reminded their people of the plagues of
Egypt, and warned them against resisting the God of Israel.
God called Israel, and blessed and exalted them, not that by obe-
dience to His law they alone might receive His favor and become the
exclusive recipients of His blessings, but in order to reveal Himself
through them to all the inhabitants of the earth. It was for the ac-
complishment of this very purpose that He commanded them to keep
themselves distinct from the idolatrous nations around them.
Idolatry and all the sins that followed in its train were abhorrent to
God, and He commanded His people not to mingle with other nations,
to “do after their works“, and forget God. He forbade their marriage
with idolaters, lest their hearts should be led away from Him. It was
just as necessary then as it is now that God’s people should be pure,
“unspotted from the world.” They must keep themselves free from its
spirit, because it is opposed to truth and righteousness. But God did
not intend that His people, in self-righteous exclusiveness, should shut
themselves away from the world, so that they could have no influence
upon it.
Like their Master, the followers of Christ in every age were to
be the light of the world. The Saviour said, “A city that is set on an
hill cannot be hid. Neither do men light a candle, and put it under
a bushel, but on a candlestick; and it giveth light unto all that are in
the house”—that is, in the world. And He adds, “Let your light so
shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify
your Father which is in heaven.”
Matthew 5:14-16
. This is just what
Enoch, and Noah, Abraham, Joseph, and Moses did. It is just what
God designed that His people Israel should do.
It was their own evil heart of unbelief, controlled by Satan, that
led them to hide their light, instead of shedding it upon surrounding
peoples; it was that same bigoted spirit that caused them either to