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Chapter 46—The Blessings and the Curses
This chapter is based on
Joshua 8
After the execution of the sentence upon Achan, Joshua was com-
manded to marshal all the men of war and again advance against
Ai. The power of God was with His people, and they were soon in
possession of the city.
Military operations were now suspended, that all Israel might
engage in a solemn religious service. The people were eager to obtain
a settlement in Canaan; as yet they had not homes or lands for their
families, and in order to gain these they must drive out the Canaanites;
but this important work must be deferred, for a higher duty demanded
their first attention.
Before taking possession of their inheritance, they must renew
their covenant of loyalty to God. In the last instructions of Moses,
direction had been twice given for a convocation of the tribes upon
Mounts Ebal and Gerizim, at Shechem, for the solemn recognition of
the law of God. In obedience to these injunctions the whole people, not
only men, but “the women, and the little ones, and the strangers that
were conversant among them” left their camp at Gilgal, and marched
through the country of their enemies, to the vale of Shechem, near
the center of the land. Though surrounded by unconquered foes, they
were safe under the protection of God as long as they were faithful to
Him. Now, as in the days of Jacob, “the terror of God was upon the
cities that were round about them” (
Genesis 35:5
), and the Hebrews
were unmolested.
The place appointed for this solemn service was one already sacred
from its association with the history of their fathers. It was here that
Abraham raised his first altar to Jehovah in the land of Canaan. Here
both Abraham and Jacob had pitched their tents. Here the latter bought
the field in which the tribes were to bury the body of Joseph. Here
also was the well that Jacob had dug, and the oak under which he had
buried the idolatrous images of his household.