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Patriarchs and Prophets
wrought for them; how He had given them a land for which they did
not labor, and cities which they built not, vineyards and oliveyards
which they planted not. Joshua reviewed once more the history of
Israel, recounting the wonderful works of God, that all might have a
sense of His love and mercy and might serve Him “in sincerity and in
By Joshua’s direction the ark had been brought from Shiloh. The
occasion was one of great solemnity, and this symbol of God’s presence
would deepen the impression he wished to make upon the people.
After presenting the goodness of God toward Israel, he called upon
them, in the name of Jehovah, to choose whom they would serve. The
worship of idols was still to some extent secretly practiced, and Joshua
endeavored now to bring them to a decision that should banish this
sin from Israel. “If it seem evil unto you to serve Jehovah,” he said,
“choose you this day whom ye will serve.” Joshua desired to lead them
to serve God, not by compulsion, but willingly. Love to God is the very
foundation of religion. To engage in His service merely from hope
of reward or fear of punishment would avail nothing. Open apostasy
would not be more offensive to God than hypocrisy and mere formal
The aged leader urged the people to consider, in all its bearings,
what he had set before them, and to decide if they really desired to
live as did the degraded idolatrous nations around them. If it seemed
evil to them to serve Jehovah, the source of power, the fountain of
blessing, let them that day choose whom they would serve—“the gods
which your fathers served,” from whom Abraham was called out, “or
the gods of the Amorites, in whose land ye dwell.” These last words
were a keen rebuke to Israel. The gods of the Amorites had not been
able to protect their worshipers. Because of their abominable and
debasing sins, that wicked nation had been destroyed, and the good
land which they once possessed had been given to God’s people. What
folly for Israel to choose the deities for whose worship the Amorites
had been destroyed! “As for me and my house,” said Joshua, “we will
serve Jehovah.” The same holy zeal that inspired the leader’s heart was
communicated to the people. His appeals called forth the unhesitating
response, “God forbid that we should forsake Jehovah, to serve other