Seite 531 - Patriarchs and Prophets (1890)

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Ark Taken by the Philistines
professed people will not go unpunished. The greater the knowledge
of God’s will, the greater the sin of those who disregard it.
The most terrifying calamity that could occur had befallen Israel.
The ark of God had been captured, and was in the possession of the
enemy. The glory had indeed departed from Israel when the symbol
of the abiding presence and power of Jehovah was removed from the
midst of them. With this sacred chest were associated the most won-
derful revelations of God’s truth and power. In former days miraculous
victories had been achieved whenever it appeared. It was shadowed
by the wings of the golden cherubim, and the unspeakable glory of the
Shekinah, the visible symbol of the most high God, had rested over
it in the holy of holies. But now it had brought no victory. It had not
proved a defense on this occasion, and there was mourning throughout
They had not realized that their faith was only a nominal faith, and
had lost its power to prevail with God. The law of God, contained in
the ark, was also a symbol of His presence; but they had cast contempt
upon the commandments, had despised their requirements, and had
grieved the Spirit of the Lord from among them. When the people
obeyed the holy precepts, the Lord was with them to work for them
by His infinite power; but when they looked upon the ark, and did not
associate it with God, nor honor His revealed will by obedience to His
law, it could avail them little more than a common box. They looked to
the ark as the idolatrous nations looked to their gods, as if it possessed
in itself the elements of power and salvation. They transgressed the
law it contained; for their very worship of the ark led to formalism,
hypocrisy, and idolatry. Their sin had separated them from God, and
He could not give them the victory until they had repented of and
forsaken their iniquity.
It was not enough that the ark and the sanctuary were in the midst
of Israel. It was not enough that the priests offered sacrifices, and that
the people were called the children of God. The Lord does not regard
the request of those who cherish iniquity in the heart; it is written that
“he that turneth away his ear from hearing the law, even his prayer
shall be abomination.”
Proverbs 28:9
When the army went out to battle, Eli, blind and old, had tarried
at Shiloh. It was with troubled forebodings that he awaited the result
of the conflict; “for his heart trembled for the ark of God.” Taking his