Seite 558 - Patriarchs and Prophets (1890)

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Patriarchs and Prophets
And “they which remained were scattered, so that two of them were
not left together.”
The promptness and bravery of Saul, as well as the generalship
shown in the successful conduct of so large a force, were qualities
which the people of Israel had desired in a monarch, that they might be
able to cope with other nations. They now greeted him as their king,
attributing the honor of the victory to human agencies and forgetting
that without God’s special blessing all their efforts would have been
in vain. In their enthusiasm some proposed to put to death those who
had at first refused to acknowledge the authority of Saul. But the
king interfered, saying, “There shall not a man be put to death this
day: for today the Lord hath wrought salvation in Israel.” Here Saul
gave evidence of the change that had taken place in his character.
Instead of taking honor to himself, he gave the glory to God. Instead
of showing a desire for revenge, he manifested a spirit of compassion
and forgiveness. This is unmistakable evidence that the grace of God
dwells in the heart.
Samuel now proposed that a national assembly should be convoked
at Gilgal, that the kingdom might there be publicly confirmed to Saul.
It was done; “and there they sacrificed sacrifices of peace offerings
before the Lord; and there Saul and all the men of Israel rejoiced
Gilgal had been the place of Israel’s first encampment in the
Promised Land. It was here that Joshua, by divine direction, set up
the pillar of twelve stones to commemorate the miraculous passage
of the Jordan. Here circumcision had been renewed. Here they had
kept the first Passover after the sin at Kadesh and the desert sojourn.
Here the manna ceased. Here the Captain of the Lord’s host had re-
vealed Himself as chief in command of the armies of Israel. From this
place they marched to the overthrow of Jericho and the conquest of Ai.
Here Achan met the penalty of his sin, and here was made that treaty
with the Gibeonites which punished Israel’s neglect to ask counsel
of God. Upon this plain, linked with so many thrilling associations,
stood Samuel and Saul; and when the shouts of welcome to the king
had died away, the aged prophet gave his parting words as ruler of the
“Behold,” he said, “I have hearkened unto your voice in all that ye
said unto me, and have made a king over you. And now, behold, the