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Patriarchs and Prophets
lest their purpose should be opposed. With earnest prayer to the Guide
of their fathers, they agreed upon a sign by which they might deter-
mine how to proceed. Then passing down into the gorge separating the
two armies, they silently threaded their way, under the shadow of the
cliff, and partially concealed by the mounds and ridges of the valley.
Approaching the Philistine fortress, they were revealed to the view
of their enemies, who said, tauntingly, “Behold, the Hebrews come
forth out of the holes where they had hid themselves,” then challenged
them, “Come up to us, and we will show you a thing,” meaning that
they would punish the two Israelites for their daring. This challenge
was the token that Jonathan and his companion had agreed to accept as
evidence that the Lord would prosper their undertaking. Passing now
from the sight of the Philistines, and choosing a secret and difficult
path, the warriors made their way to the summit of a cliff that had been
deemed inaccessible, and was not very strongly guarded. Thus they
penetrated the enemy’s camp and slew the sentinels, who, overcome
with surprise and fear, offered no resistance.
Angels of heaven shielded Jonathan and his attendant, angels
fought by their side, and the Philistines fell before them. The earth
trembled as though a great multitude with horsemen and chariots were
approaching. Jonathan recognized the tokens of divine aid, and even
the Philistines knew that God was working for the deliverance of Israel.
Great fear seized upon the host, both in the field and in the garrison. In
the confusion, mistaking their own soldiers for enemies, the Philistines
began to slay one another.
Soon the noise of the battle was heard in the camp of Israel. The
king’s sentinels reported that there was great confusion among the
Philistines, and that their numbers were decreasing. Yet it was not
known that any part of the Hebrew army had left the camp. Upon
inquiry it was found that none were absent except Jonathan and his
armor-bearer. But seeing that the Philistines were meeting with a
repulse, Saul led his army to join the assault. The Hebrews who had
deserted to the enemy now turned against them; great numbers also
came out of their hiding places, and as the Philistines fled, discomfited,
Saul’s army committed terrible havoc upon the fugitives.
Determined to make the most of his advantage, the king rashly
forbade his soldiers to partake of food for the entire day, enforcing
his command by the solemn imprecation, “Cursed be the man that