Seite 574 - Patriarchs and Prophets (1890)

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Patriarchs and Prophets
Saul was more disturbed by the alienation of Samuel than by the
displeasure of God. He knew that the people had greater confidence
in the prophet than in himself. Should another by divine command be
now anointed king, Saul felt that it would be impossible to maintain his
own authority. He feared an immediate revolt should Samuel utterly
forsake him. Saul entreated the prophet to honor him before the elders
and the people by publicly uniting with him in a religious service. By
divine direction Samuel yielded to the king’s request, that no occasion
might be given for a revolt. But he remained only as a silent witness
of the service.
An act of justice, stern and terrible, was yet to be performed.
Samuel must publicly vindicate the honor of God and rebuke the
course of Saul. He commanded that the king of the Amalekites be
brought before him. Above all who had fallen by the sword of Israel,
Agag was the most guilty and merciless; one who had hated and sought
to destroy the people of God, and whose influence had been strongest
to promote idolatry. He came at the prophet’s command, flattering
himself that the danger of death was past. Samuel declared: “As thy
sword hath made women childless, so shall thy mother be childless
among women. And Samuel hewed Agag in pieces before the Lord.”
This done, Samuel returned to his home at Ramah, Saul to his at
Gibeah. Only once thereafter did the prophet and the king ever meet
each other.
When called to the throne, Saul had a humble opinion of his own
capabilities, and was willing to be instructed. He was deficient in
knowledge and experience and had serious defects of character. But
the Lord granted him the Holy Spirit as a guide and helper, and placed
him in a position where he could develop the qualities requisite for
a ruler of Israel. Had he remained humble, seeking constantly to be
guided by divine wisdom, he would have been enabled to discharge the
duties of his high position with success and honor. Under the influence
of divine grace every good quality would have been gaining strength,
while evil tendencies would have lost their power. This is the work
which the Lord proposes to do for all who consecrate themselves to
Him. There are many whom He has called to positions in His work
because they have a humble and teachable spirit. In His providence He
places them where they may learn of Him. He will reveal to them their