Seite 695 - Patriarchs and Prophets (1890)

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throne was the throne of the Lord, and Solomon sat on the throne of the
Lord as king over the earthly kingdom of God. The succession to the
throne descended in David’s line to Zedekiah, who was made subject
to the king of Babylon, and who entered into a solemn covenant before
God that he would loyally render allegiance to the king of Babylon.
But Zedekiah broke his covenant, and then God said to him:
“Thou, profane wicked prince of Israel, whose day is come, when
iniquity shall have an end, thus saith the Lord God; remove the diadem,
and take off the crown: This shall not be the same: Exalt him that is
low, and abase him that is high. I will overturn, overturn, overturn, it:
And it shall be no more, until He come whose right it is; and I will
give it him.”
Ezekiel 21:25-27
. See also chapter 17:1-21.
The kingdom was then subject to Babylon. When Babylon fell,
and Medo-Persia succeeded, it was overturned the first time. When
Medo-Persia fell and was succeeded by Greece, it was overturned
the second time. When the Greek empire gave way to Rome, it was
overturned the third time. And then says the word, “It shall be no
more, until He come whose right it is; and I will give it Him.” Who is
He whose right it is? “Thou ... Shalt call His name Jesus. He shall be
great, and shall be called the Son of the Highest: and the Lord God
shall give unto Him the throne of His father David: And He shall reign
over the house of Jacob forever; and of His kingdom there shall be
no end.”
Luke 1:31-33
. And while He was here as “that Prophet,” a
Man of Sorrows and acquainted with grief, the night in which He was
betrayed He Himself declared, “My kingdom is not of this world.”
Thus the throne of the Lord has been removed from this world and
will “be no more, until He come whose right it is,” and then it will be
given Him. And that time is the end of this world, and the beginning
of “the world to come.”
To the twelve apostles the Saviour said, “I appoint unto you a
kingdom, as My Father hath appointed unto Me; that ye may eat and
drink at My table in My kingdom, and sit on thrones, judging the
twelve tribes of Israel.”
Luke 22:29, 30
. From Matthew’s account of
Christ’s promise to the twelve we learn when it will be fulfilled; “in
the regeneration when the Son of man shall sit on the throne of His
glory, ye also shall sit upon twelve thrones, judging the twelve tribes of
Matthew 19:28
. In the parable of the talents, Christ represents
Himself under the figure of a nobleman who “went into a far country