Seite 72 - Patriarchs and Prophets (1890)

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Patriarchs and Prophets
sought out this holy man, to share his instruction and his prayers. He
labored publicly also, bearing God’s messages to all who would hear
the words of warning. His labors were not restricted to the Sethites.
In the land where Cain had sought to flee from the divine Presence,
the prophet of God made known the wonderful scenes that had passed
before his vision. “Behold,” he declared, “the Lord cometh with ten
thousands of His saints, to execute judgment upon all, and to convince
all that are ungodly among them of all their ungodly deeds.”
Jude 14,
He was a fearless reprover of sin. While he preached the love
of God in Christ to the people of his time, and pleaded with them to
forsake their evil ways, he rebuked the prevailing iniquity and warned
the men of his generation that judgment would surely be visited upon
the transgressor. It was the Spirit of Christ that spoke through Enoch;
that Spirit is manifested, not alone in utterances of love, compassion,
and entreaty; it is not smooth things only that are spoken by holy men.
God puts into the heart and lips of His messengers truths to utter that
are keen and cutting as a two-edged sword.
The power of God that wrought with His servant was felt by those
who heard. Some gave heed to the warning, and renounced their sins;
but the multitudes mocked at the solemn message, and went on more
boldly in their evil ways. The servants of God are to bear a similar
message to the world in the last days, and it will also be received with
unbelief and mockery. The antediluvian world rejected the warning
words of him who walked with God. So will the last generation make
light of the warnings of the Lord’s messengers.
In the midst of a life of active labor, Enoch steadfastly maintained
his communion with God. The greater and more pressing his labors,
the more constant and earnest were his prayers. He continued to
exclude himself, at certain periods, from all society. After remaining
for a time among the people, laboring to benefit them by instruction and
example, he would withdraw, to spend a season in solitude, hungering
and thirsting for that divine knowledge which God alone can impart.
Communing thus with God, Enoch came more and more to reflect the
divine image. His face was radiant with a holy light, even the light
that shineth in the face of Jesus. As he came forth from these divine
communings, even the ungodly beheld with awe the impress of heaven
upon his countenance.