Seite 92 - Patriarchs and Prophets (1890)

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Patriarchs and Prophets
the bodies of the dead. By the same means the silver and gold, the
choice wood and precious stones, which had enriched and adorned
the world before the Flood, and which the inhabitants had idolized,
were concealed from the sight and search of men, the violent action
of the waters piling earth and rocks upon these treasures, and in some
cases even forming mountains above them. God saw that the more
He enriched and prospered sinful men, the more they would corrupt
their ways before Him. The treasures that should have led them to
glorify the bountiful Giver had been worshiped, while God had been
dishonored and despised.
The earth presented an appearance of confusion and desolation
impossible to describe. The mountains, once so beautiful in their
perfect symmetry, had become broken and irregular. Stones, ledges,
and ragged rocks were now scattered upon the surface of the earth.
In many places hills and mountains had disappeared, leaving no trace
where they once stood; and plains had given place to mountain ranges.
These changes were more marked in some places than in others. Where
once had been earth’s richest treasures of gold, silver, and precious
stones, were seen the heaviest marks of the curse. And upon countries
that were not inhabited, and those where there had been the least crime,
the curse rested more lightly.
At this time immense forests were buried. These have since been
changed to coal, forming the extensive coal beds that now exist, and
also yielding large quantities of oil. The coal and oil frequently ignite
and burn beneath the surface of the earth. Thus rocks are heated,
limestone is burned, and iron ore melted. The action of the water
upon the lime adds fury to the intense heat, and causes earthquakes,
volcanoes, and fiery issues. As the fire and water come in contact
with ledges of rock and ore, there are heavy explosions underground,
which sound like muffled thunder. The air is hot and suffocating.
Volcanic eruptions follow; and these often failing to give sufficient
vent to the heated elements, the earth itself is convulsed, the ground
heaves and swells like the waves of the sea, great fissures appear, and
sometimes cities, villages, and burning mountains are swallowed up.
These wonderful manifestations will be more and more frequent and
terrible just before the second coming of Christ and the end of the
world, as signs of its speedy destruction.