Seite 28 - Steps to Christ (1892)

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Steps to Christ
be saved by His matchless love.
1 Timothy 1:15
. Jesus asked Simon a
question in regard to two debtors. One owed his Lord a small sum, and
the other owed him a very large sum; but he forgave them both, and
Christ asked Simon which debtor would love his Lord most. Simon
answered, “He to whom he forgave most.”
Luke 7:43
. We have been
great sinners, but Christ died that we might be forgiven. The merits
of His sacrifice are sufficient to present to the Father in our behalf.
Those to whom He has forgiven most will love Him most, and will
stand nearest to His throne to praise Him for His great love and infinite
sacrifice. It is when we most fully comprehend the love of God that
we best realize the sinfulness of sin. When we see the length of the
chain that was let down for us, when we understand something of the
infinite sacrifice that Christ has made in our behalf, the heart is melted
with tenderness and contrition.