Seite 74 - Steps to Christ (1892)

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Steps to Christ
the sincere seeker for truth with reverence and faith. The more he
searches the Bible, the deeper is his conviction that it is the word of
the living God, and human reason bows before the majesty of divine
To acknowledge that we cannot fully comprehend the great truths
of the Bible is only to admit that the finite mind is inadequate to grasp
the infinite; that man, with his limited, human knowledge, cannot
understand the purposes of Omniscience.
Because they cannot fathom all its mysteries, the skeptic and the
infidel reject God’s word; and not all who profess to believe the Bible
are free from danger on this point. The apostle says, “Take heed,
brethren, lest there be in any of you an evil heart of unbelief, in depart-
ing from the living God.”
Hebrews 3:12
. It is right to study closely the
teachings of the Bible and to search into “the deep things of God” so
far as they are revealed in Scripture.
1 Corinthians 2:10
. While “the
secret things belong unto the Lord our God,” “those things which are
revealed belong unto us.”
Deuteronomy 29:29
. But it is Satan’s work
to pervert the investigative powers of the mind. A certain pride is min-
gled with the consideration of Bible truth, so that men feel impatient
and defeated if they cannot explain every portion of Scripture to their
satisfaction. It is too humiliating to them to acknowledge that they do
not understand the inspired words. They are unwilling to wait patiently
until God shall see fit to reveal the truth to them. They feel that their
unaided human wisdom is sufficient to enable them to comprehend
the Scripture, and failing to do this, they virtually deny its authority.
It is true that many theories and doctrines popularly supposed to be
derived from the Bible have no foundation in its teaching, and indeed
are contrary to the whole tenor of inspiration. These things have been
a cause of doubt and perplexity to many minds. They are not, however,
chargeable to God’s word, but to man’s perversion of it.
If it were possible for created beings to attain to a full understand-
ing of God and His works, then, having reached this point, there would
be for them no further discovery of truth, no growth in knowledge,
no further development of mind or heart. God would no longer be
supreme; and man, having reached the limit of knowledge and at-
tainment, would cease to advance. Let us thank God that it is not so.
God is infinite; in Him are “all the treasures of wisdom and knowl-
Colossians 2:3
. And to all eternity men may be ever searching,