Seite 76 - Steps to Christ (1892)

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Steps to Christ
discrepancies, have not spiritual insight. With distorted vision they
will see many causes for doubt and unbelief in things that are really
plain and simple.
Disguise it as they may, the real cause of doubt and skepticism, in
most cases, is the love of sin. The teachings and restrictions of God’s
word are not welcome to the proud, sin-loving heart, and those who
are unwilling to obey its requirements are ready to doubt its authority.
In order to arrive at truth, we must have a sincere desire to know the
truth and a willingness of heart to obey it. And all who come in this
spirit to the study of the Bible will find abundant evidence that it is
God’s word, and they may gain an understanding of its truths that will
make them wise unto salvation.
Christ has said, “If any man willeth to do His will, he shall know
of the teaching.”
John 7:17
, R.V. Instead of questioning and caviling
concerning that which you do not understand, give heed to the light
that already shines upon you, and you will receive greater light. By the
grace of Christ, perform every duty that has been made plain to your
understanding, and you will be enabled to understand and perform
those of which you are now in doubt.
There is an evidence that is open to all,—the most highly educated,
and the most illiterate,—the evidence of experience. God invites us to
prove for ourselves the reality of His word, the truth of His promises.
He bids us “taste and see that the Lord is good.”
Psalm 34:8
. Instead of
depending upon the word of another, we are to taste for ourselves. He
declares, “Ask, and ye shall receive.”
John 16:24
. His promises will
be fulfilled. They have never failed; they never can fail. And as we
draw near to Jesus, and rejoice in the fullness of His love, our doubt
and darkness will disappear in the light of His presence.
The apostle Paul says that God “hath delivered us from the power
of darkness, and hath translated us into the kingdom of His dear Son.”
Colossians 1:13
. And everyone who has passed from death unto life
is able to “set to his seal that God is true.”
John 3:33
. He can testify,
“I needed help, and I found it in Jesus. Every want was supplied,
the hunger of my soul was satisfied; and now the Bible is to me the
revelation of Jesus Christ. Do you ask why I believe in Jesus? Because
He is to me a divine Saviour. Why do I believe the Bible? Because
I have found it to be the voice of God to my soul.” We may have the