Page 113 - Testimonies to Ministers and Gospel Workers (1923)

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God’s High Standard
love, pity, and compassion, because he is one with Christ. He yearns
to bring others to Jesus. His heart is melted with tenderness as he
sees the peril of the souls that are out of Christ. He watches for souls
as one that must give an account. With invitations and pleadings
mingled with assurances of the promises of God, he seeks to win
souls to Christ; and it is registered in the books of record. He is a
laborer together with God.
Is not God the proper object of imitation? It should be the work
of the Christian’s life to put on Christ, and to bring himself to a more
perfect likeness of Christ. The sons and daughters of God are to
advance in their resemblance to Christ, our pattern. Daily they are
to behold His glory, and contemplate His incomparable excellence.
Tender, true, and full of compassion, they are to pull souls out of the
fire, hating even the garment spotted by the flesh.
We are not Working Alone
There is a work to be done by God’s people. What is true
eloquence in the human life? It is a heart full of pure sentiments, a
veneration for all God’s commandments. But earnest work has not
been done. A certain round of duties has been performed, but this is
not enough. Step out of the common channel. If you cannot reach
the members of the churches, do not become discouraged. Take the
work into the highways, and if the self-righteousness of those for
whom you labor will not be penetrated by the leaven of truth, go out
of the usual round into the byways, and there do your missionary
God will not leave you to work alone. Ever since the proclama-
tion of the third angel’s message, angels of God have been waiting
to cooperate with the human agent who is in earnest and determined
to work. We must go deeper into the mines of truth than we have
“God so loved the world, that He gave His only-begotten Son,
that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have ever-
lasting life.” Oh, what love God hath shown for fallen man! Why do
those who know the truth pass by on the other side so many who are
in suffering need?