Page 118 - Testimonies to Ministers and Gospel Workers (1923)

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Testimonies to Ministers and Gospel Workers
The sin of these last days is upon the professed people of God.
Through selfishness, love of pleasure, and love of dress, they deny
the Christ that their church membership says that they are following.
I thank God that Jesus Christ knows every impulse in the heart
of the believer. Many profess to be children of God who do not
follow Christ. Their frivolity, their cheap conversation, their want of
high-toned piety, their low aims, mislead others who would pursue
a different course were it not for the example of these deceptive
characters, those who do not love Christ or do His will but simply
follow their own imaginations.
Jesus is acquainted with every heart that is humble, meek, and
lowly. These have trials and make mistakes, but they are broken-
hearted because they grieve the Saviour who loved them and died
for them. They come humbly to His feet; they fight His battles. In
meekness and lowliness of heart they seek to do good to others. They
seek to advance the cause of truth in good and earnest endeavor.
The Lord Jesus loves those for whom He has given His life; and
when worldly influences are allowed to come in between them and
their Helper, when idols are chosen before Christ, when His appeals
to the human soul are regarded with indifference and there is no
response, Jesus is grieved. He knows that they are meeting with
great losses, for they are stumbling blocks to sinners. They are not
gathering with Christ, but scattering from Him. But when through
great affliction the Spirit of God touches their hearts, and they turn
to Him, He will hear their prayers. Christ knows the capabilities
He has given to every soul to serve Him for his present and eternal
good. He desires that these souls shall not disappoint Him. He wants
them to shine in His kingdom. Those who will be the most highly
honored are those who take up their cross daily, and follow Christ.
Make a Reality of Truth
The Lord Jesus demands that every soul make a reality of truth.
Show that you believe that you are not half with Christ and half
with the world. Of all such Christ says: “I would thou wert cold or
hot. So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I
will spew thee out of My mouth.” He who appreciates the love of
Christ will be an earnest worker with Christ to bring other souls as