Page 13 - Testimonies to Ministers and Gospel Workers (1923)

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Preface to Third Edition
Series B. Their predecessors of the 1890’s, with messages for min-
isters and workers, became known as “Series A,” Although not so
designated at the time of publication
General matter of lasting usefulness to the church, as first pub-
lished in “Series B” articles, was Subsequently embodied in volumes
8 and 9 of
Testimonies for the Church
, and in
Counsels on Health,
Counsels on Stewardship, Medical Ministry
, and
Selected Messages
Two articles from the “Series B” Collection appear in this volume.
They are:
Jehovah Is Our King, 477-484
Testimonies to the
Church Regarding Individual Responsibility and Christian Unity,
Working over a period of many years, Mrs. White often repeated
certain lines of counsel. To reprint all that had appeared in the earlier
pamphlets and writings would burden the reader with a repetition of
subject matter and also with the details of local or personal matters
not now of general significance. Concerning the material selected
for this volume, the preface to the first edition stated:
“The Committee have earnestly and prayerfully sought to present
in the one modest volume the best and strongest of the tract-printed
matter, and believe that the portions omitted are more than cov-
ered by that which has been gathered from other tracts of limited
Those responsible for this third edition of
Testimonies to Minis-
say with the Publishers in 1923 that this convenient volume is
sent forth with the earnest prayer that it may be, to all to whom it
may come, a source of instruction in the deep things of God; that
it may revive the hopes and energies of God’s people; that it may
help to bring reformation of life where needed, and in all of us the
Christian graces that will reveal Christ to the world; and that it may
bring us all nearer together by bringing us all closer to the heart of
our blessed Lord
The Board of Trustees of the Ellen G. White Estate.
Washington, D.C.
May 10, 1962