Page 134 - Testimonies to Ministers and Gospel Workers (1923)

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Testimonies to Ministers and Gospel Workers
churches! Why do we not believe the Lord will do just as He says
He will?
We are God’s servants, and to each of us He has given talents,
both natural and spiritual. As children of God, we should be con-
stantly gaining in fitness for the heavenly mansions which Christ
told His disciples He was going away to prepare for them. He who
lays hold upon the righteousness of Christ may become a perfect
man in Christ Jesus. Working from a high standpoint, seeking to
follow the example of Christ, we shall grow up into His likeness,
possessing more and more refinement.
The Saviour prayed, “Sanctify them through Thy truth: Thy word
is truth.” Those who are disciplined by the truth will be doers of the
word; they will be diligent Bible readers, searching the Scriptures
with an earnest desire to understand the will of God, and to do His
will intelligently.
Be Courteous
The ministers in our conferences need to walk carefully before
God. The apostle’s injunction, “Be courteous,” is greatly needed
in their ministering, in watching for souls as those who must give
account, in seeking to save the erring. You may be true to principle,
you may be just, honest, and religious; but with it all you must
cultivate true tenderness of heart, kindness, and courtesy. If a person
is in error, be the more kind to him; if you are not courteous, you
may drive him away from Christ. Let every word you speak, even the
tones of your voice, express your interest in, and sympathy for, the
souls that are in peril. If you are harsh, denunciatory, and impatient
with them, you are doing the work of the enemy. You are opening a
door of temptation to them, and Satan will represent you to them as
one who knows not the Lord Jesus. They will think their own way
is right, and that they are better than you. How, then, can you win
the erring? They can recognize genuine piety, expressed in words
and character. If you would teach repentance, faith, and humility,
you must have the love of Jesus in your own hearts. The truth you
believe is able to sanctify the soul and to fashion and mold the whole
man, not only to change his words and deportment, but to abase
pride and purify the soul temple from all defilement.