Page 139 - Testimonies to Ministers and Gospel Workers (1923)

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Solemn Appeal to Ministers
Anything harsh, sour, critical, domineering, is not of Christ, but
proceeds from Satan. Coldness, heartlessness, want of tender sym-
pathy, are leavening the camp of Israel. If these evils are permitted to
strengthen as they have done for some years in the past, our churches
will be in a deplorable condition. Every teacher of the truth needs
the Christlike principle in his character. There will be no frowns, no
scolding, no expressions of contempt, on the part of any man who
is cultivating the graces of Christianity. He feels that he must be a
partaker of the divine nature, and he must be replenished from the
exhaustless fountain of heavenly grace, else he will lose the milk
of human kindness out of his soul. We must love men for Christ’s
sake. It is easy for the natural heart to love a few favorites, and to
be partial to these special few; but Christ bids us love one another
as He has loved us. “The wisdom that is from above is first pure,
then peaceable, gentle, and easy to be entreated, full of mercy and
good fruits, without partiality, and without hypocrisy. And the fruit
of righteousness is sown in peace of them that make peace.”
You have a serious, solemn work to do to prepare the way of
the Lord. You need the heavenly unction, and you may have it.
“Whatsoever ye shall ask the Father in My name, He will give it
you. Hitherto have ye asked nothing in My name: ask, and ye shall
receive, that your joy may be full.” Who can be trifling, who can
engage in frivolous, common talk, while by faith he sees the Lamb
that was slain pleading before the Father as the intercessor of the
church upon earth?
By faith let us look upon the rainbow round about the throne,
the cloud of sins confessed behind it. The rainbow of promise is an
assurance to every humble, contrite, believing soul, that his life is
one with Christ, and that Christ is one with God. The wrath of God
will not fall upon one soul that seeks refuge in Him. God Himself
has declared, “When I see the blood, I will pass over you.” “The bow
shall be in the cloud; and I will look upon it, that I may remember
the everlasting covenant.”
It is Christ that loves the world with a love that is infinite. He
gave His precious life. He was the Only Begotten of the Father. He
is risen again from the dead, and is at the right hand of God, making
intercession for us. That same Jesus, with His humanity glorified,
with no cessation of His love, is our Saviour. He has enjoined upon