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Testimonies to Ministers and Gospel Workers
that time to bring them to an understanding of what it meant to offer
effectual prayer, drawing nearer and nearer to God, confessing their
sins, humbling their hearts before God, and by faith beholding Jesus,
and becoming changed into His image. When the blessing did come,
it filled all the place where they were assembled, and, endowed with
power, they went forth to do effectual work for the Master.
Choosing Men for the Ministry
Altogether too light a matter is made of selecting men to do
the sacred work committed to our hands. As a consequence of this
carelessness, unconverted men are at work in missionary fields, who
are full of passionate lusts, who are unthankful, who are unholy.
Though some of them have been often reproved, they have not
changed their course, and their lustful practices bring reproach upon
the cause of God. What will be the fruit of such labor? Why do
not all our workers remember that every word, good or evil, must
be met again in the judgment? Every inspiration of the Holy Spirit
leading men to goodness and to God is noted in the books of heaven,
and the worker through whom the Lord has brought light will be
commended in the day of God. If the workers realized the eternal
responsibility that rests upon them, would they enter upon the work
without a deep sense of its sacredness? Should we not expect to
see the deep movings of the Spirit of God upon men who present
themselves to enter the ministry?
The apostle says, “Put ye on the Lord Jesus Christ, and make
not provision for the flesh, to fulfill the lusts thereof.” Let every
soul heed these words, and know that the Lord Jesus will accept of
no compromise. In accepting and retaining workers who persist in
retaining their imperfections of character, and do not give full proof
of their ministry, the standard has been greatly lowered. There are
many in responsible positions who do not heed the injunction of the
apostle, but make provision for fulfilling the lust of the flesh. Unless
the worker puts on the Lord Jesus Christ and finds in Him wisdom,
sanctification, and redemption, how can he represent the religion of
Jesus? All his efficiency, all his reward, is found in Christ. There
must be evidence on the part of those who take the solemn position of
shepherds that they have, without reservation, dedicated themselves